Corpus - Svedka Vodka Website

Yesterday, I helped my sister move. A lot of her books were in liquor store boxes, and I was particularly struck by the box for Svedka Vodka, which claimed it was the number one vodka of 2033. The box also had a decidedly female robot on it. I wanted to take a picture to put on my blog, but I didn’t have a camera. So today I decided to visit the website to find an image. The website, is really interesting.

The first page declares Svedka “The Future of Adult Entertainment” and requires you to enter your birthdate. You need to be 21 or over just to enter the site. Once you enter, there’s rolling text (like in Star Wars) talking about how great 2033 is. Apparently, celebrity worship is the biggest religion, a woman is President, and her name is Apple. Then, a screen pops up talking about the female robot that I saw on the box. Her name is Svedka_girl and she is described as a “fembot_fatale.” It lists her turn-ons (stiff drinks and greased elbows) and turn-offs (power switches). The sequence ends with a downloadable computer background that shows Svedka_girl posing looking back at us over her shoulder with the text “Svedka salutes L.A. Home of the first drive-thru plastic surgery window.” More are available. In one, Svedka_girl is posing with a finger to her lips. It says, “I go both ways.” Then smaller, underneath, “Straight up or on the rocks.”

Some questions: Why create a sexy female robot to sell vodka? Why the emphasis on celebrity worship and plastic surgery in the promotional materials? How is the robot constructed as sexy? Why does she have some “feminine” traits like breasts, lipstick, long eyelashes, and high heels, but no hair? And most importantly, are they implying that Gwyneth Paltrow’s daughter is President?

Submitted by Spencer on Sun, 10/14/2007 - 10:42am. Spencer's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version